Providing them a basic shelter is social responsibility. Right to life and livelihood cannot be fulfilled without right to shelter. Providing shelter is possible by errectng/constructing pre-fabricated tent like structures in places where the homeless people can also get some work nearby. By provision of shelter with basic sanitation, utilizing public health and education system would be possible for them. It can lead to better life for them and their children.
Giving them official and legal identity (including voter card and ATM card) is very important for their upliftment, dignity and self-assertion. Instead of pity and compassion, they dserve their due civic rights and an equal fellowship with the State and society. Governmnt must develop a sound policy for homeless and protect their right to shelter.
Providing them a common shelter and identity has begun in Delhi wth the help of NGOs, Court Order and Government support. It has to happen in every city and town. If urban space is too precious, shelters for homeless people can be made underground or even multi-storey shelters can be constructed. Different categories ofhomeless people have different needs of shelter. Families may not prefer to live in common shelter or in seperate shelter for women and men. If shelters are too far from their place of work, they will have little utility. So, alternative shelters should be considered (like bamboo houses or small tents for families).
A society is known not by the lifestyle of its richest but by the living standards of its poorest. According to a study, there are 70 million homeless people in India.